
The  General Data Protection Law (13.709/18) aims to protect fundamental rights of freedom, privacy, and free development of the natural person's personality.

With the guarantee of personal data protection, obliging us as a natural person or legal entity of public or private law, which through physical documents, including digital means, provide adequate and safe personal data treatment. Regardless of the medium, the country of its headquarters, or the country where the data is located, meeting Article 6 in accordance with the decision of the CONTROLLER.

In Article 2 of the Law, we are determined to DISCIPLINE the protection of personal data based on: respect for privacy; informational self-determination; freedom of expression, information, communication and opinion; the inviolability of intimacy, honor and image; economic, technological development and innovation; free initiative and competition and consumer defense; and, human rights, free development of personality, dignity, and the exercise of citizenship by natural persons.

It is important to highlight that the Law is applicable to any data processing operation, and its precepts must be followed by individuals, in the case of autonomous brokers (PF) and legal entities, that sell or offer consultancy and brokerage services in general, private pension and health plans, according to Article 3 of the LAW and its Items I, II, III with its Paragraphs 1 and 2.

For our company to meet legal requirements for personal data processing, according to Article 7, your consent is required as the HOLDER. Therefore, it is necessary for you to fill out our standard form to guarantee your rights and the established purposes, demonstrating that our company values the guarantee of your rights through our duty to comply as established and grounded.

To better understand the LGPD - GENERAL DATA PROTECTION LAW, we present the definitions of the terms discussed in the Law:


Any natural person to whom the personal data being processed refers.


Natural or legal person responsible for decisions regarding the collection and data processing, and whether or not it will be shared with its partners or service providers. If data sharing is necessary, the HOLDER will be informed at the time of contracting our products and services.


Natural or legal person who processes personal data on behalf of the controller.

Person in Charge of Personal Data Processing

Natural or legal person who processes personal data on behalf of the controller. Their responsibilities include receiving complaints and communications from holders, providing clarifications and adopting measures, guiding employees and contractors of the company about practices to be taken regarding the protection of people's data, performing assignments determined by the controller or established in complementary regulations.

Personal Data

Any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Sensitive Data

These are data where processing can lead to discrimination of its holder or distinctive data, such as biometric or genetic data.

Data Processing

Any operation performed with personal data.


Free, informed and unequivocal expression by which the holder agrees to the processing of their personal data for a specific purpose.


Use of technical means at the time of processing, through which a data loses the possibility of association, directly or indirectly, to an individual.


Structured set of personal data, established in one or several locations, in electronic or physical support.

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