Erros e Omissões
Errors and Omissions

Protect yourself with GBI Seguros' Errors and Omissions Insurance!

Errors and Omissions Insurance is essential to ensure compensation for acts of negligence, lack of skill, or imprudence in your profession. At GBI Seguros, we offer comprehensive coverage to protect you against potential financial losses and moral damages resulting from these situations.

Coverage of Errors and Omissions Insurance

Discover the coverage offered by our Errors and Omissions Insurance, which can include the following situations:

  • Financial Losses, including third-party lost profits: Protection against financial losses arising from errors, omissions, or professional failures that result in damages to third parties.

  • Defense Costs (attorney fees): Coverage for the necessary legal expenses for your defense in case of claims or lawsuits arising from professional errors or omissions.

  • Extra Expenses: Reimbursement of extra expenses incurred exclusively to mitigate or avoid a professional error or omission claim.

  • Moral Damages: Protection against claims of moral damages caused by professional errors or omissions, ensuring financial support in case of compensation claims.

  • Loss, Theft, and Misplacement of Client Documents: Coverage to compensate losses resulting from the theft, misplacement, or loss of confidential client documents under your responsibility.

  • Inclusion of Coproducer or Channel as Additional Insured: Possibility to include the coproducer or production channel as additional insured on the policy, offering comprehensive protection for all parties involved.

Count on GBI Seguros to protect your profession and mitigate the risks of errors and omissions. Request a quote today and discover how we can help you ensure financial security and professional peace of mind in these situations.

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