Seguros Empresariais

Protect your business with GBI Insurance's business insurance!

At GBI Insurance, we know that the balance of your business goes beyond good management. Business risks are present in all aspects and places, which is why we offer a variety of business insurance policies to assist you in protecting and managing the risks to which your company is exposed.

Our complete portfolio of business insurance

Get to know GBI Insurance's portfolio of business insurance policies, developed to meet the specific needs of your company:

  • Engineering: Protect your projects and works against damages, delays, and liabilities with our specialized engineering insurance.

  • Vehicle Fleet: Keep your vehicle fleet protected against accidents, theft, and damages, ensuring the continuity of your operations.

  • Guarantee: Facilitate your company's participation in bids and contracts with our guarantee insurance, offering financial backing and security to your clients.

  • Multi-Risk: Have comprehensive protection for your business, covering various types of risks such as fires, thefts, electrical damages, and much more.

  • Civil Liability: Be covered in situations where your company may be held liable for damages to third parties, offering coverage for indemnities and legal costs.

  • Transportation: Protect your goods during transportation, whether they are in national or international territory, ensuring the safety and integrity of your shipments.

GBI Insurance is ready to go beyond insurance, assisting your company in risk management and protection of your assets. Request a quote today and discover how we can help you choose the best business insurance to strengthen the security and success of your business.

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