Seguro Drones

Protect your drone with GBI Insurance's RETA insurance!

If you're a drone pilot, it's essential to have adequate insurance to protect your aircraft and mitigate potential risks. GBI Insurance offers RETA (Registro de Aeronave Não Tripulada) insurance for drones, ensuring peace of mind during your flights.

Comprehensive Coverage for Your Drone with RETA Insurance

With GBI Insurance's RETA insurance, you can enjoy comprehensive coverage for your drone. Be protected against damages, accidents, and incidents that may occur during your aerial operations.

Benefits of GBI Insurance's RETA Insurance for Drones

By opting for GBI Insurance's RETA insurance, you'll have access to a range of exclusive benefits:

  • Coverage against material damages: Protect your drone against damages caused by collisions, falls, fires, and other unforeseen events. Our policy will cover the costs of repair or replacement of your equipment.

  • Civil liability: Be covered in case of damages to third parties. If your drone causes damages to properties or injuries to people, our policy will cover legal expenses and possible compensations.

  • Theft and qualified theft: Unfortunately, drones are susceptible to thefts and burglaries. With GBI Insurance, you'll be protected against these situations, ensuring the replacement of your equipment in case of theft or qualified theft.

  • Technical and legal assistance: Rely on our specialized assistance to help you with technical and legal issues related to your drone. We're ready to provide support 24/7.

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