Equipamentos Audiovisuais
Equipamentos Audiovisual

Protect your audiovisual equipment with GBI Insurance!

Cinematographic, image, and sound equipment can also be protected - GBI Insurance offers an annual policy with special pricing to ensure the safety of your precious equipment.

Comprehensive Coverage for Your Audiovisual Equipment

With GBI Insurance, you can rely on complete coverage for your audiovisual equipment across the entire national territory. Additionally, you can request worldwide coverage for added peace of mind.

Events Covered by GBI Insurance Policy

Rest assured knowing that your equipment is protected against a range of unwanted events. GBI Insurance policy provides coverage for:

  • Fire, Lightning, and Explosion: Be protected against damages caused by fires, lightning, and explosions, and their consequences, so that your equipment is not harmed.
  • Electrical Damage: Electrical mishaps can cause damage to your audiovisual equipment, but with GBI Insurance coverage, you are protected against such eventualities.
  • External Causes Damage: Accidents can happen, but you don't need to worry. GBI Insurance policy covers damages caused by external factors, keeping your equipment safe.
  • Theft and/or Qualified Theft: Unfortunately, thefts and burglaries can occur. However, with GBI Insurance, you will be covered for these situations, ensuring the replacement of your audiovisual equipment.
  • Equipment Transportation: When transporting your audiovisual equipment, rely on the protection of GBI Insurance. In case of damages during transportation, your policy will cover the losses.

Protect your audiovisual equipment with GBI Insurance and have the peace of mind knowing that you are covered against various events. Don't let unforeseen circumstances disrupt your work. Request your policy now and ensure the safety of your equipment!

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